#NOMOMO #SayNoToCyberBullying #EnoughIsEnough Talk to your kids...
With it being Anti-Bullying Day and all, I find it ironic to be posting about this; but in my opinion, parents everywhere need to know about this. As an Author, I spend my free time writing wickedly captivating tales for adults to dive in to, and I won’t lie, they can get pretty twisted. Murders. Lies. Secrets. Betrayals. An enemy who will stop at nothing to gain victory and cosmos in peril. Now add in an over-sexed Valkyrie with no memory, a bad-ass Immortal with the Universe’s biggest grudge, and a Demon whose sarcasm ALWAYS gets the better of him. My imagination can get pretty crazy, but this, oh, this blows my mind right out of the water. The evil and cowardice surrounding the individual who thought this up, makes me sick; and only serves to prove that there are monsters in this world, they just don’t have purple skin, fangs or wings. They’re Human, and they are everywhere. These aren’t stories cooked up to wow the fans, this is actually happening and it’s scarier than anything I could ever write. Meet MOMO……

This lovely little lollipop, triple-dipped in psycho, has found its way into the homes of families all over. It’s taking hold of your apps and it’s SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF OUR KIDS. No word of a lie, I have three children, two of which (the younger two) have confirmed seeing this creepy-faced woman in a handful of their videos. My own kids, who are 7 and 10, have seen this jiggery-fuckery? Pardon my language, but you’ll probably find more as you read on, because this is beyond fucked up! Oops! To think, there is someone, or even a group of people who are clearly off their rockers, and they are making tutorials that target our kids. In these tutorials, they are teaching the kids how to cut themselves, one way for attention and another to be done with it all, and pop pills without caring to read the bottle. The latest one goes by MOMO...

Now, you’ll where are these tutorials? Or say “my kids haven’t been watching crap like that.” I know this, because I said it too. I’m usually in the room when they’re using YouTube and I hadn’t seen anything like this; but that’s the trick, for these crackers aren’t just busting out videos specifically labeled to teach self-harm, they’re waiting until about 5 or 6 minutes into a random cartoon they’re posting, and then add their little bit. A song, a phrase, a man showing them how to cut themselves as he dances across the screen... Guilty as charged, I can’t stand more than a few minutes of the kid’s videos. Some are funny, some are crude and get switched off right away, but most are just clips and bits from a favorite cartoon. Imagine this, you’re sitting there watching a clip and your hero is just about to rescue the hostages and save the day, but instead, some creepy-ass she-beast shows up on the screen and starts telling them to do these things and if they tell their parents something bad will happen to them. If I was a kid, I’d be too afraid to move. I’m 35 and that face gives me the willies. To these kids, that’s got to be about one of the scariest thing in the world and talking about it, in their minds, could get you killed. I’d read the stories posted to social media from other parents who had actually come across the videos themselves, and I say videos, because MOMO is not the only one. Same crazy shit, just different people using various accounts and personas. In these stories, they had talked about the creepy things the people were telling the children to do, the threats that had been made and how the tears began to flow and the children broke down when asked about it. They were terrified. Some couldn't eat, others couldn't sleep. The constant worry that these monsters were, somehow, going to find them in their homes. In some cases, challenges were issued and the children were being urged to find a special number online and make contact with the sick individual/s. Dangerous tasks, unthinkable tasks, while I sit here as a parent wondering what the hell is wrong with some people? But again, I thought, not mine, not in my house; but after more stories online and chatting with friends about it, my curiosity took over and this morning I asked them. "Has anyone, heard about or seen this character who likes to scare kids? Goes by MOMO?" I'm not really one to sugar-coat things like this. I needed to know and I didn't want scare them while at the same time, feeding them any bullshit. Well, I shit you not, my 7 year old pipes up from the back seat of the van and tells me that the creepy-faced-lady shows up in a lot of her videos, but she just moves on to a new cartoon because she doesn’t like her. "She says mean things." WTF?????? I waited patiently, trying ever so hard not to lose my bloody mind when, thankfully, my 10 yr old tells me "...she’s just a dumb hacker!" and that he ignores it too. My oldest, 13, has heard about it at school, but like me, has never seen it. He watches YouTube, but it seems these videos are made for younger kids. Now, I need to stop for a moment, cause my blood is boiling and I’m about to go Mama-Bear. This shit, is not cool.

Targeting anyone, let alone a child, is sick and disturbing. You have to be some kind of special to get kicks out of making people hurt themselves. I’ve written, and read, a lot of questionable stuff, but this is where it gets FUBAR… It’s not only YouTube, but YouTube Kids too. These things are specifically designed to deceive parents and terrify our kids. These kids are our future, and some ass-hat is out trying to turn them into fearful minions of the MOMO clan. I have no idea if that’s a thing, but that’s what it looks like to me and it doesn’t look like the safety features on our video sites are working.
How are these videos making it past quality control? They go nuts over a copyright claim, why not probe the videos thoroughly. I’d work for them and do nothing but watch newly uploaded videos all day long for that type of content. As I'm sure, other parents would too. I’m not going to post any links or any more pictures on the subject. All you have to do is Google MOMO and the list is endless. The insanity runs deep and some even claim it’s a hoax, which I wish to the Gods it was, but my kids know about it. My kids have seen it and are able to describe the big black eyes that pop out of her warped face. “Remember that movie where the girl crawls out of the well? She looks like that, but someone cut her hair and tried to make her happy.” That was my 10 year old’s description, to which his 7 year old sister replies. “They failed. That doesn’t look happy at all!” I know I’m not happy about any of this. To think some half-wit is out there, right now, getting their rocks off as they scare the kids one by one, just, wow. I can’t even describe how it makes me feel. Kind of puts me somewhere between prison-stripes and madness. I’d love to know who this individual is, but then, I’d have to get in line for a chance to speak my mind. Instead, I am blogging about it to warn parents. Not about the videos themselves or the need for parental supervision and better safety protocols online, which is needed, but to just talk to your kids. Even if you think there’s a better chance of being hit by a submarine on dry land, talk to them. They may not have seen it, but they may have a friend at school who has; one who is too afraid to say anything out of fear that MOMO and others will come after their families. They need to know who and what MOMO is, so when they do come across one of those videos, they can flag it, or bring it to you so you can. If you don’t start the conversation, there is a chance, no one else will and I wouldn’t want any child feeling lost and afraid because some madman, or madwoman, is going to come out of the computer and kill their whole family if they don’t follow the rules of their sick and twisted game. So please…. Speak to your kids. Assure them that Momo is not going to harm them, or you, and report the videos you find. Help get this crap off the internet.