A Quest Called Motherhood-A Collection of Chaos, I mean Stories!
Hello, it's me again and boy do I have something for you all. Now, I'm usually known for my paranormal works and the art I create, as Mara Reitsma. It's dark, it's sarcastic and filled with all sorts of attitude. It also carries a lot of meaning when dealing with the 'real world' The characters deal with issues we normally face, but on an intergalactic level. I've had a lot of fun writing with some pretty amazing people. We've laughed. We've cried. We've almost lost our minds working on our scripts. I couldn't imagine working with better people, and I'm hoping that bond we've created will continue on for a long time! I'm not going anywhere, but there are some changes coming and I wanted to let you all in on my newest adventure.

A Quest Called Motherhood-
A Collection of Short Stories Welcome to the chaos that surrounds parenting. Let's face it, no matter how hard you try, no one, is truly prepared for this joyous time, for no one can see into the future. No one is perfect. All we can do is sit down and buckle up for the ride. I've been doing it for the last thirteen years and I can only describe it as a roller coaster ride. Some people love the thrill, some people don't. I for one, get a little nauseous. You can prepare yourself all you want, but that first drop is always a doozy. It gets easier as time goes on, but there will be moments where you'll find yourself at the top once more and it's not always easy to brace yourself at the last second. I've been there, I've faced that drop. I have three kids, all of whom like to test my boundaries and patience, on an hourly basis. They're kids, it's what they do.
We, as parents, can either lose our minds trying to make them conform to our standards, or, we can take it one day at a time. It's not easy to find the silver-lining in many of life horrifying and mind-bobbling moments, but they are there. I try to let my kids, be kids, within reason. They have their own space, their own things, their own likes and dislikes. I pick my battles carefully, sometimes. I'm not perfect. I'm not a professional with a decade of degrees and letters behind my name. I am Mom. I learn as I go, and let me tell you, parenting is a course that NEVER ENDS. It's like school, except your teacher is a four-year-old dictator on a war path for cupcakes. What she wants, she expects to get, whether you agree or the battle begins. That's what this book, and those that will follow, contain. The perfectly, imperfect, re-enactments of my battles. Moments, in which I thought I was going to lose my mind. Funny moments. Sad moments. Serious moments. Life is filled with them. Well, I chose to remember those moments, so I could sit back and re-live them. I wanted to laugh at them. Sure, some of them hurt and left me with scars, or they left me feeling like I'd just lost and was NOT, smarter than a fifth grader. None the less, you get to read all about it, because really, what's the fun in living through it, if you can't share the experience; even after the fact? See for yourself, in this snippet from......

Diva Tantrums
Want more? Because A Quest Called Motherhood has a handful of these tales inside to keep you entertained. Like....

War Wounds
You can't tell me you've never had a run in with the devious colored blocks??? I have the scars to prove my run-ins with the little block-monsters never end well. But, if you were smart, right off the bat and hid them or banned them, then perhaps you've encountered.....

Painting Mishaps
It wasn't as horrible as it sounds, and the perfectly-pleated, sky-blue suit, did survive. The fence however, still resembles a melting rainbow. But whatever? My friend doesn't mind it. Her kids love it and her mother still laughs about it to this day. My scars have healed. My mind has relaxed and I've finally gotten the last of the paint out of my hair. I can sit back now and laugh at the above, and soon, you will be able to as well. From War Wounds and Diva Tantrums, to Cough Syrup Chaos and Menthol-Rub Madness, there are so many stories to tell. Three kids, now ranging from thirteen to six. The things they got into, the things they said, the lessons they've taught me.... We spend all those years in school preparing for life, but it is our children who make the best teachers! No joke. I haven't laughed so hard as when I've been editing the stories in this book. I like to branch out with my writing, having dabbled in the realms of adult paranormal and fantasy as Mara Reitsma, and written children's adventure stories as Miss Mara. Now, I get to play in a more comical sense, as
T.C Creare.

CREARE: (Latin) Create or Creates
Makes perfect sense, since I am a creator of works. I doodle, creating covers and cartoon illustrations; and I write. I just like to create. Therefor T.C Creare was born and A Quest Called Motherhood was created. I'm still me, I just wanted to make it easier to find. So many books.... Not enough time.... Why do people need to sleep? You can find the Facebook Page here for T.C Creare:
https://www.facebook.com/TC-Creare-Author-1049333441938179/ ^^^ There, you can find more info on when and where you can get your hands on this hilarious rendition of what really goes on while raising children. At least, while raising mine. It is in no way, a manual on how to turn little people, into big people. I am not a professional and never tell you how to raise your kids; but you're more than welcome to have a laugh while I do my thing.
It won't be ready for a few more weeks yet, but if you follow the page above, I'll be posting more snippets as I go along. Until then, have fun and don't stress. No one is perfect and you'll be laughing about this soon enough!
Until next time, Happy Reading! Mara!