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Anthologies Abound- Want in on the fun?

Anthologies are, hands down, my most favorite things to write for! I get to meet new people, explore new ideas, maybe get my feet wet in a new genre and help support some awesome friends. Authors from all over the world, getting together to contribute and share their talents; I mean, these are real people, with brilliant minds. I live in Canada and have found friends in the U.S, Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. just by doing what I love to do; I write and I doodle and finding people with like minds and talents is pretty epic. I'm making connections, which is kind of what an anthology does, in my opinion. The thought of people finding one of my stories in an anthology, liking it, and going on to Google my name to find more, is extremely appealing. The reader eyes the anthology, drawn in by a specific genre or theme, and explores the stories inside. It could be a paranormal or romance collection or even a compilation of stories in support of a great cause; either way, my contribution will be seen by people who may not even have known my name before they picked up a copy of said anthology. If they liked my story, they're going to want to know more about me and if I've released other works. My name gets out there and yours could too! Have you ever wanted to write in an anthology? Here's your chance!!! Now, when I write, I try to make sure the people I'm writing with or for, are legit and not out to make a fast buck off the hard work of someone else. The people at Plaisted Publishing House know what they're doing and work hard alongside you. I've worked closely with a lot of them on a handful of anthologies including The Ghostly Writes Anthologies, both 2017 & 2018 Editions; as well as Ghostly Writes Valentines: Love from the Other Side and A Treasure Chest of Children's Stories. I can't tell you how excited I am to get to work with them again on their latest endeavors....

A Treasure Chest of Children's Stories II

Like it's predecessor, this book is sure to be jam-packed with wonderful tales for children between the ages of 4 and 12; not that Moms, Dads, Grandparents and the like wouldn't be interested in what's hidden inside. There is no telling what sort of stories we'll find but one thing is for sure... There will be a Secrets of Dry'r- Part II I've already started on my entry with a max word count of 10k. It's going to be awesome and see Izzi and Ozzi continuing their adventure and try to unlock all the secrets of Dry'r. See the pics in the gallery below for some of last years entries!!!

This anthology is perfect for those with a childhood tale to tell. Perhaps you have a friendly lion or a pesky parrot with a story to share? A whale who wants to sing in the opera? Or a monkey who hasn't quite mastered hanging from a tree like his friends? Seriously, if you want to use those as writing prompts I would be delighted to read about them in the anthology! Just start writing. You can join us here on Facebook if you feel you have an adventure waiting to escape you...

Blacklisted: Outing the Scam, Not the Scammer

Now this is an anthology near and dear to me heart. There isn't a day that goes by in which I forget the first time I fell victim to the insanity of a scammer. The lack of morals and honesty these days is quite disturbing; and then when someone speaks out against it, we see the sneaky individual in question thrust into the spotlight as if he or she had just won the lottery. It sucks, knowing that some a$$hat did you wrong and yet the publicity they receive over their unjust actions, is just as record breaking as if said a$$hat had been legit about the whole deal. Maybe you joined a group that turned out to be not quite what you expected? Perhaps you took on a partner who was less than trustworthy? Was there someone out there, claiming they wanted to help, only to lead you into insanity as they used you to climb even higher themselves? Shady Artists who don't provide legit works and disappear when problems arise. Hanky Publishers or Editors who made a mess of your work or even worse, made off with your works and published them as their own. Liars. Thieves. Con-Artists. The world is full of them and the Indie Community is plagued by them; but, how do you warn people without shining any unwanted attention on the jerk in question? If you answered yes to any of those questions or have and incident not listed above that you'd like to warn fellow authors about, then you need to read on and then head over to our Facebook group listed below. With a max word count of 7k, we want you to tell the world how it happened without telling us who was involved. We would like to out the scams, not the scammers. No names, no identifying marks, just the scam itself and any signs to look for when dealing with risky situations. Maybe we can shed some light in the shadows and help ensure no one else is plagued in such ways. For those wanting to know more, head on over to the Facebook group where we're willing to answer any and all questions.

Both anthologies are looking at release in the New Year so there is plenty of time to get those stories written, edited and handed in! If you need any help, just ask someone in the group, it's what we're here for! We want to share our stories with the world!!

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