#NoBullyZone #NoTrollsAllowed- Just Saying, Karma drives a Big Bus!
The world of the internet is supposed to be a wondrous place, until of course you come across some troll with a grudge. They're everywhere. Some call them bullies, but I prefer to call them trolls. Now I'm not talking about those cute, technicolor hair topped Trollz with their little jeweled belly buttons, but the jerks who sit behind their keyboards with nothing to do but belittle others. These be the nasties that we discuss today.

These vile, heinous creatures tend to creep out of the woodwork time and again, always looking for the spotlight to shine on them. They crave it, they needs it... Anyhow, nine times out of ten, that spotlight, doesn't fall on them. So, what do they do? They come out with their cocky, keyboard warrior attitudes and start picking on others for their own gains; whether it be for profit or just entertainment. It's everywhere, even in the Indie Industry. We have a whole network of Independent Artists, most of whom work together to create some pretty epic pieces of art. Cover Designers, Publishers, Writers, Editors, Promoters... We're a community, and it really sucks when you're having a party and the Trolls roll in. They'll criticize anything. Your book cover, your title, your story line, your raves and reviews; but what they really want is your sanity. Lately, nothing is safe, not even words. Someone attacks another, simply because of a genre she writes. An opinion fueled attack, and for what? Attention? Someone else trademarks a word, a word that wasn't even hers, and why? Because she felt entitled to brand something? To protect what she thought was hers? She could have started with her own name, and not a word that everyone's been using since the dawn of time; just saying. We have Trolls launching full out, online attacks against cover artists for creating a cover too similar to another, to the point there was talk and actions towards suicide. Newsflash, there are millions of books, and those cover models are a dime a dozen. There are going to be duplicates. Chill your panties. People are too concerned with the little things. Did you know, that while all the little, Independent Artists squabble amongst themselves, the powerhouse publishers are still pumping out releases? Did you know, that while we're all bickering like Trolls, the high-rollers are working on their next big thing? They don't care what we do, unless of course we're banding together to make a name for ourselves that may rival their own; and that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. We as Indie Artists, no matter what our craft, we're trying to make a name for ourselves, each and every one of us, but do we have to be so downright mean to each other? Do we have to run each other's names into the ground to raise ours up? Do we have to act like children when things blow up in our faces and cry out we're being bullied? Do we continue to reject people and their creations because they aren't up to our standards? Hell No! How dare anyone tell another that they are not worthy or their works are not good enough. Sure, everyone can use a little more practice, and we as an Indie Community are supposed to be supporting one another. Those who do, are rocking it the whole way. Those who don't, the Trolls of the Industry who only think about themselves, they need to find another bridge to lurk under, cause I for one am done with their crap. Who the hell are we to judge others? Who are we to think we are better than anyone else? We work, we live, we love and we play. We are people, all of us creators. We're supposed to be building with inspiration and nurturing imagination, not crushing dreams and destroying hopes with selfish needs and ambitions. This hate, all the bullying and concern for one's self worth above all else, it needs to stop. Think about what you're doing. You're not making a name for yourself, you're making a fool of yourself. Tearing people down instead of building them up, building a community. Your words are powerful, don't use them to bring someone else down or cause a scandal because you think you're better than everyone else. You're not. Shit is shit, no matter whose ass it falls from, and it never smells like roses; neither do trolls, by the way. They like to get waist deep in that shit pot as they stir it up; mind you, they don't necessarily check the ingredients before they dive right in, either. How many times have we seen someone attack another, just to have the truth uncovered and bam... someone didn't do their homework. If you're stating a fact, and you have proof to back it up and a mature way of relaying that info, by all means, please inform inquiring minds for we would love your advice. But, when you come crawling out of the woodwork bashing our creations and causing havoc, like a Troll, belittling us because you feel you're superior, we're here to remind you that you're not. Sure, you'll gain your moment of fame, but will it really be worth it? Or will the people, and your own fans, see you for what you really are, a Troll?

So, before you go off on some emotion filled and ego fueled conquest to piss off everyone under the sun, can you at least think about what you're going to say? You wouldn't want to hit send before you read it, right? Remember, Keep Calm and Don't Be A Jerk, for Karma is real and she has a computer and a really big bus.

Now you may return to the world of Facebook and Twitter, with this in mind, we are stronger together than we are apart, and we can't be anything together if you're gonna act like a Troll! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>