#MindBlown #ReturningtotheDarkAges #BodyShamingisWrong on so many levels!
I do not swear, I enunciate clearly, like a fucking lady. I also tend to keep my enunciation and opinions on the down-low, being that it isn't polite; but when someone drops a can of stupid as big as this, why should I hold back? I just, I can't believe we're about to discuss this, as it's something I thought, as a society, we were way past. We are in the twenty-first century, people, this shit should not happen. What shit, you might ask? BODY-SHAMING

Do we have to go over the rules of social etiquette again? Do we need lessons in being nice to one another and keeping our mouths shut and noses out of other peoples business? From what I discovered today, oh, hell YES!!!!!! It takes a lot for people to go out there and let the world see who they really are, and you DARE SHAME THEM? For what? And it better not be some Bull-S#?! about them being too big or too dark or too.... STOP RIGHT THERE, did you ever stop to consider that your opinion, as important as you may think it to be, was both rude and hurtful? I'm asking one man in particular, Mr. Clayton Baxter, I want to know if you actual thought about what you were saying, or if you just opened his mouth and let the garbage spew? Below, is a picture of a magazine cover, and I for one would like a close up because those are some pretty wicked tattoos. Have a look for yourself, and take a look at what this piece of work had to say about it...

"If you find this attractive please unfriend me" No problem, and if you have a problem with what I'm writing, you know where to shove your opinion. If not, ask any author and they'll gladly tell you! Now, I'd really like to point out that she is beautiful, and her body had nothing to do with my forming an opinion. I find her beautiful, because she went out there, against the norms of society, and she gave it all she's got; she's still giving it, despite his behavior. Why? Because she's real. I find that beautiful, Mr Baxter. I find her spirit and her courage to be a rewarding and refreshing change from what the world has become used to seeing. For you to try and destroy that for her, and the rest of us normal people, should be classified as an act of war. NEWSFLASH... Not all of us can parade around as some high-class cover model, as apparently, you have been doing; but I don't see that lasting very long. There are hundreds of Authors and Designers who are refusing to work with you. I for one, don't do the stock image, bare-chested, enthralled in a lover's grasp, sort of covers. Nothing against them, I just like a little more flare in my art; and my attitude is big enough, I don't need yours. I don't think your agency or your photographer do either; both of which, seem to be getting a lot of complaints about you. Now, Mr. Baxter didn't stop with just a post. He went on to join in the commentary, stating even more hurtful and down-right disgusting things. I'll post a couple of screen shots, but there are far too many comments and antics by not just him, other too. I'll post links below to others who have more screenshots than I do.
This makes me sick to my stomach. Body-shaming, has never been cool and never will be. We, as a society, have to accept that, or we'll never get rid of these egotistical ideas of self-entitlement that hold us back. We could be out there discovering what lies beneath our oceans, or exploring the stars, instead, we're making fun of others to make ourselves feel good.

To Mr Clayton Baxter, and all the others who decided to jump on the Body-Shaming Wagon, you disgust me. You, are what is wrong with this world. I would never accept help from any of you, regardless of 'how awesome your shit is' cause it still stinks. Your hate-filled words pollute our community, and as you are about to find out, we will not tolerate your kind here. If you need help figuring out your 'kind' I believe the term is Arse-Badger. Or was that, Spunktrumpet?
Urban Dictionary has many more, but right now, I'm looking at ways of avoiding you, Mr. Baxter. Your negativity is not welcome in my playground. In one of your comments, you told a Facebooker, that you would never friend someone with a Unicorn as a profile picture. That is good to know, for I am proposing, for sanity sake, that we all change our profile pics to the Unicorns, if only to avoid future mishaps with Mr. Clayton Baxter. Mine is below, feel free to use it!

As promised, here are the links to what prompted my rant today. https://www.facebook.com/bianca.mckay.376/posts/236636627003658 and https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217504673395541&id=1437623823 Warning, these ladies are pissed, and why shouldn't they be. I am! Hopefully, by sharing this we can make an impact on how people treat one another. Even just a little one, because I'm tired of SHAMING altogether, no matter what form it comes in. People need to wake up and give their heads a shake, this shit with the internet trolls is getting old. Body-Shaming = Bullying