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She's done it again- A Tales of Mentara Shout Out!

Have you all heard the news???

It's all over social media! Ashley Uzzel has done it, again! Every time this woman puts words to the page I am left in stitches. She will be the death of me one day, and I will have died a happy reader! My favorite of her works so far, is Once Upon a Pastry, and to this day I catch myself calling someone 'Sugar-Tits', even now, I'm cracking up. Ashley is a wicked author and is one of the few who can jump genres, and still keep the stories as entertaining as ever. I have a hard time keeping my characters in their own books and tend to stay in the realm of adult fantasy, so I can't help but admire Ashley for her ability to twist a tale for all sorts of interests. From her children's books to her works in the Ghostly Writes Anthologies and so much more, everything she writes is bound to grab you in one way or another. Stories filled with suspense and un-Earthly secrets, tales of love and heartache, choices and feeling. I have not read one book by Ashley Uzzell that I didn't like, but don't just take my word for it, take a look at her reviews...

***** For Once Upon a Pastry A fun and magical story for all

By Charlie on February 16, 2017

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

I usually don't set out to read love stories, but this is a wonderful and magical tale that kept me enthralled the entire time! Edit: Don't read on an empty stomach.

***** For Hunting Vampires With Gramma This book was hilarious from start to finish! By Kindle Customer on July 19, 2017 Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase This book was hilarious from start to finish. I love the fresh voice of the author, and the telling of a tale that's both scary at times and funny. The three old ladies in the book are wise cracking, quick witted and energetic. Markie, the protagonist, is pushed to the back once granny makes her appearance. I feel sorry for any vampires that come her way!

***** For Winter Wishes of the Heart An enjoyable collection! By Kon November 30, 2017 Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase These stories were sweet, simple reprieves from the busy mess life can be. They were short, so they didn’t take long to read, but Ms. Uzzell still managed to fill each one with the emotion and intrigue required for the reader to be able to say, “I care about these characters.” That’s not an easy thing to do, and I applaud her for it.While my personal favorites were Round Table Chant and Emily’s Valentine, I still greatly enjoyed the others because some of the best things in life are at the centers of all of these stories: kindness, courage, a sense of romance, hope, love for family, and happiness. Each tale had its own thing going on, but altogether, this collection was warm and enjoyable to read. Five stars from me!

There are so many more and if you want to check them out, head on over to her Amazon Author Page. Just follow the link and take a trip through her collection, there is something in there for everyone!

But, her past works aren't why we're here today. As I said in the intro, she's done it again; as in, this wizard of words has created yet another tale to amuse her fans. The Portal, Book One in the Tales of Mentara series, is a fantasy adventure story aimed at middle-schoolers (11 to 13 year olds). Now I'm not a pre-teen, but I couldn't put this story down.

Take a look at what's in store inside Tales of Mentara Book One- The Portal, and then I'll tell you what I though of it.... Five children find themselves stuck in a beautiful jungle on a strange planet. But all is not as peaceful as it first appears… Twelve-year-old Charlotte has been different all her life. It isn’t just that her father left when she was a child, or her mother ignores her. What really makes her an outsider is the fact that she has strange abilities that she can’t explain and struggles to control. Everything changes in the summer of 1993 when she feels drawn to a certain spot outside of town. Unfortunately, she isn’t alone when things go sideways. When the children realize they are definitely not on Earth anymore, they have to learn not only how to fend for themselves, but how to get along. The problem is, even Charlotte has no idea how to get off the alien planet. And, perhaps, she doesn’t want to. It doesn’t take long for the five to realize they aren’t alone in this strange land and that life here is more dangerous than they could have imagined.

First off, let me start by saying that when Ashley Uzzell puts a call out for ARC readers, I am jumping on that boat. I can't help myself, for her stories never fail me. This one kept me going. The term 'just one more chapter page' means nothing when reading an adventure filled tale like The Portal. The hand goes up, and you expect silence as you flip not one more page, but all of them. Seriously, it took me one night to finish the story, two days explaining it to my son as I waited for the internet to stop glitching, and another week on top of that as he read it. He'll be thirteen tomorrow, and he loved it. My son: So, she's writing a book two, right? Me: If it says Book One, there will be a Book Two! My Son: Good, cause Zoe at school wants to read them. Me: But Book One isn't out until next week... My Son: Which means, she's already started book two.

(Walks away with a grin on his face and his phone in hand.)

I loved the mystery and suspense, my son loved discovering the unknown, and may or may not view the park behind our house in a whole new light. "It's like Land of the Lost, but, with like, kids!" (Again walks away with a huge grin, and the story on my phone!) So my review...

*****FIVE STARS *****

Well played, Ashley Uzzell, well played. You have an entire 7th grade class enthralled in The Portal, and they haven't even read it yet. You have managed yet again to entertain not just me, but also my son, and that alone is worth five stars. He is one of the pickiest readers I know, and he's already asked for a copy when it hits the bookshelves! Send your next ARC this way, for you've made a new fan.

Now to clarify, my son didn't let the whole class read the story, he's only told them of what he's read. That speaks wonders to what's inside. Seeing him and his friends enthused with something other than a video game (okay, it's still a screen, but come on they want to read!) As a parent, it made me smile. As a reader, it made me laugh and sit on the edge of my seat at times, and I for one can't wait for The Portal to hit the shelves on

April 13th, 2018!!!!!

It's available now for pre-order, all you have to do is follow the link>>>> Amazon –

Books2Read –

Or you can check out some of her teasers below before you grab your own copy.

You have no idea what you'll be missing, so click the link above and join Charlotte and the others as their adventure takes off on April 13th, 2018!!! Until then, you can stalk Ashley Uzzell, and keep up to date with all that she's been up to. Website/blog –

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Trust me, she won't mind!

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