A Notice from The Black Rose- Big Changes and LOTS of excitement ahead!!!
Now, don't worry, this doesn't mean we're closing or stopping or anything like that; but we do have some big news for you all!

We've all seen and heard about the constant drama circling Amazon, most of it affecting Authors everywhere. Book stuffers. Books in categories they shouldn't be in. Scammers and illegal contests. Disappearing Reviews... Seriously, when is enough, enough? Sure, they have the biggest reading groups and deliver the fastest-but not always the best- services, but what about all the, dare I say scandals? Have all scamming accounts been removed? Do they have people to go in and ensure that there aren't 3000 page e-books out there with the same content inside, reproduced 5 times over and all with different covers? Have all the categories been sorted? Are we going to find some hot and steamy doctor romance while searching for medical literature? It's hard to know who to trust on Amazon anymore and that sucks, because there are some pretty amazing Authors out there, both Indie and Professionally published, that are still dealing with the mess they've been left with. With that being said, we at The Black Rose Guild have decided that we've had enough. Too many scammers. Too much drama. We just want to write and have fun, which is why we are moving from Amazon. The Black Rose Guild is proud to announce that all future releases of The Valkyrie Series by Mark McQuillen, will be joining The Devil's Daughters Trilogy by Mara Reitsma and The Crossover Series they've written together, on the shelves of Lulu Publishing and those they distribute to.

Fear Not, those of you who still prefer Amazon/Kindle, for through Lulu, we will be able to land all our books on platforms like Kindle-Kobo-Nook-GoogleBooks-iBookstore and many more, including the Ingram's inventory list. What this actually means, is that you will be able to find our stories in more place than before!!! This is something we've talked about before, but now, with the chaos surrounding Amazon and a few scares of our own, we wanted our collections all in one place. Soon enough, we'll have everything sorted out and we really do appreciate the time and patience you've all shown us with the mix-up of Valkyrie: Song of Darkness. You all, complete us. With you, there would be no reason for us to write!! <3 <3 <3 So, keep your eyes peeled for new links and new books, coming to you soon, from Lulu and beyond! We couldn't have done any of this without you all! Mark & Mara & The Black Rose Guild