3-2-1, The Quote Me Challenge-Accepted

Now, we've all seen and heard about our fair share of challenges lately, a few to help out some wicked cool causes and some that made you want to shake your head; but this 3-2-1 Quote Me Challenge is one that I will gladly accept. Sent to me by the talented and charming Claire Plaisted, how could I resist? She knows me too well! You can find her her challenge here >>>>>>>>> https://plaistedpublishinghouse.com/2018/08/22/3-2-1-me-challenge/
So, here we go...
Each time this blog is posted, it is updated by the recipient in conjunction with the TOPIC stated at the end by the last person. Claire chose the topic: HAPPINESS
The rules of the challenge…
• Thank the selector • Post 2 quotes for the dedicated to your topic of the day • Select 3 bloggers to take part in the ‘3.2.1 Quote Me Challenge’ And give them a topic/word
#1 – The Selector
Claire, you NEVER cease to amaze me. Always willing to lend a hand, or an ear, and always with a piece of advice for a Author/Designer like myself. You have managed to build up, not only your publishing company, but those all around you. There is never a dull moment in this world and you, my friend, make it all the more bearable. Thank you, for the never ending support and loyalty you continue to show each and every day!
#2 – Quotes
‘Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy, until you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you, it can only come, from you.’ Ralph Marlson
‘The hardest thing to find in life is happiness- money is only hard to ind because it gets wasted looking for happiness.’
Two quotes bearing the same message... So many people are confused these days, believing that material things are meant to bestow happiness in their lives. Jewels, vacations, fancy homes and cars, take it all away and what are you left with? It is time people began choosing wisely and discover their own happiness, not that which was delivered in a pretty paper package, complete with ribbon and bow. Life has so many wondrous things to offer, so many reasons to see your happy -meter filled, you just have to choose to see them.
#3 – The Three Bloggers.
Terra James, who can be found at www.facebook.com/HGHBB16 Aaron Henley, who can be found at http://www.twotruefreaks.com (Tangents Abound) The Triple Beaut Book Blog, who can be found at https://www.facebook.com/triplebeautbookblog/
Now for a Topic........ Sarcasm
I love sarcasm and can't wait to see what they come up with! Happy Reading, Mara!