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#IndiesAgainstBullying- There's a little thing called Netiquette!

After a bout of crappy weather, and even crappier internet, we made it back to the online world in hopes of sharing more of our creations with you. Now normally, I'm pretty excited to get online and see what everyone has been up to. There is always something going on, a new story about to promo or a review I've been waiting to read...

Sadly, this was not the case.

In fact, what I found was more of a gong-show unfolding before my eyes. Every second or third post was a rant about some arrogant and pig-headed individual lashing out against another. Clearly, some people forgot to put their grown-up panties on before they sat in front of their keyboards. Vicious and vile, you'd think these people had crawled from the seventh level of hell in hopes of crapping on someone's day. And I'm not talking about one day's worth of stupid, we're talking weeks. I've been away from my blog, for weeks!! So here I am, reading through posts and wondering if social media is even worth it anymore. Did we all just forget a little thing called...

Internet Etiquette or Netiquette???

You know, when you're online and you come across something you don't like, and you KEEP SCROLLING past it? You remain kind and courteous, and show respect for other opinions and beliefs. You understand the world does not revolve around you, and you've made acceptance for the fact that not everyone is going to value your opinions as much as you do. Therefor, I did some searching for you all and found a few tips, care of They have some pretty good ideas and I've listed a few below.

A Few Simple Netiquette Tips

1. Try learning some of the internet acronyms, so your conversation doesn't explode over a misunderstanding. I don't even know them all, but I'm not above Googling them before starting in with insult.

BTW= By The Way. ROTFL= Rolling on the Floor Laughing. SMH= Shaking My Head. FWIW= (Now this one does not contain any profanity, contrary to popular belief!) For What It Is Worth. EML= EMail Me Later. DH= Dear Husband. DF= Dear Friend. IMO= In My Opinion. The List goes on.... and on... and on...

2. Turn your CAPS LOCK OFF! No one likes to be shouted at, and if the conversation is getting that heated, it shouldn't be on social media. Just saying! ANYTHING you put on social media, will be there forever. You can delete your posts, but how many people had taken screen shots during your breach of sanity, and in the time it took you to come to your wits about it all?

3. Obey Copyright Laws. This one is common knowledge, and if you don't know that stealing someone elses things is bad, then you, my friend, is what is wrong with the world. Sure, share away, put pay tribute to those who spent time and possibly some coin to create what you liked enough to download. Most people love the promotion, what they don't like, is when you try to pass it off as your own.

4. This next one even I have a habit of forgetting. I always said I did my best editing, after, I hit the send button. Not such a good thing when you're online. It's like editing a book. You wouldn't publish your first draft for the world to see, would you? Well, when you posted about your fight with what's-her-face in a mad rant, did you re read it before you hit send? Better yet, did you stand back and think about how you could word it better? 5. Last but not least, that last post or email you sent, was it helpful? Helpful suggestions go a lot farther than comments slandering one's self, and that being said, it is in no way okay to force your suggestions or opinions on another. You offered helping hand. You did you part, it's up to them to accept or decline, not you. Nor is it your place to get snippy when the latter occurs.

The internet can be an amazing place, connecting people with friends and family, product and services, and maybe even their next favorite Author or Songwriter; but it also opens doors for people to put foot into mouth and start an online mob over someone's opinion. Too many times I have scrolled through my news feed and seen someone attacking another over a genre they were interested in, or an Author they liked. Someone didn't like the latest cover reveal because her boots were to sexist or her hair didn't look right. I've read post upon post about real people giving up on their dreams, and just recently, almost life itself, because someone couldn't simply scroll on by and ignore what it was they didn't like. Real people, who fell victim to the wicked words spewed by others who, I.M.O (in my opinion), had nothing better to do than jump on board and get their measly two cents in. 80+ people too part in that last display of utter bullshit. 80+ people, took it upon themselves to make their disgraceful voices heard, and for what, an opinion? What are you guys, twelve?

Newsflash, everyone has an opinion, and in mine, those 80+ opinions, could have been worded better. Those groups dedicated to defaming the character of an individual, should be seen as harassment and removed from social media. Any post, directing another individual to end their career, relationship, or Gods forbid their life, should be removed and said contributors banned from social media outlets.

This act of targeting someone with hordes of friends, over an opinion or value that is not their own, needs to end. The slander, needs to end. The vicious outburst and attacks brought on by an utter lack of Netiquette, need to end. It's bullying, plain and simple, and when it's done on-line, it's cyber bullying and I'm pretty sure that's against the law. So remember, before you hit the CAPS button and express your opinion loud and clear for the world to see, or send that nasty email without double checking who it's being sent to, everything posted online is there for anyone watching to see and screenshot; which means, someone, somewhere, has proof of you being an ass on-line and is probably waiting for their chance to get you back. It's just safer, and

nicer, to think before you type.

Is it Thoughtful? Is it Helpful? Is it Insightful? Is it Nice? Is it Kind?

If you can't think, and at least try to follow simple Netiquette, you shouldn't be online! No one needs your negativity, so be part of the Solution, not part of the Problem! #IndiesAgainstBullying #MuchLove #ThinkBeforeYouSend

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