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Does your child love to read?

Do you, love to read? Do you love to curl up with a blanket and get lost in the story? I bet your kids do to! Their minds are always exploring, and books give them access to tons of adventures, all they have to do is open it. So, we're going to take a look at some of my kid's, favorite stories from Indie Authors all over the world. Now, I have dabbled in the world of children's stories, and we'll introduce them later, but for now, I'd like to introduce you all to three of my favorite Children's Authors. These ladies, have gone above and beyond, creating tales to entertain and teach their young readers. Each fun filled story will see your children embarking on a new journey, and light the fires of imaginations everywhere. Author #1- Ashley Uzzell Ashley, is an amazing Author, not only for the kids, but adults too. Her stories are full of fun and laughter, and always leave us wanting more. See for yourself, just how creative she can get....

Where's My Kitty?

Kassidy, is outside playing, when she decides to find her cat; but he is nowhere to be found. Follow along with Kassidy, as she searches for her kitty. Such a cute little tale about a girl and her cat! A big hit with my own daughter!!

You can fine, Where's My Kitty, by following the link below....

Next up for Ashley, is another of her feline tales, except this little cat, has some pretty magical friends... not only that, but this series, holds an extra surprise, it was written not only by Ashley, but by her daughter as well. Talk about team work, and inspiring kids everywhere, to get out there and write.

Spunky and The Wizard's Chair

Spunky and the Wizard's Chair, is the first book in Spunky's Magical Adventures, and has won itself the Young Author Award 2017, from Metamorph Publishing and the Summer Indie Book Awards...

Spunky, is a normal cat. His human is a wizard. What happens one day when the wizard brings home a magical chair? Spunky's curiosity gets him in trouble! Join Spunky on his very first magical adventure!

You can join Spunky on his adventures by following the link below...

Spunky and The Dolphin Palace

This is Spunky's second book, and his adventures just keep getting better... When Spunky the cat jumps on the magical chair after his adventure in Cat World, he expects to go back to his own world. Instead, he finds himself in another strange place where everything, including the animals and plants, is made of candy! Will Spunky ever find the way home to his loving owner? What kind of adventure will he find waiting for him in a land of candy?

You can read all about Spunky and the Dolphin Palace, by following the link here >>>

What will Spunky do next? Where will the Wizard's chair take him? We'll have to wait for Ashley and Kyra, as they plan out Spunky's next book!!

Author #2 - Wanda Luthman

Now, our second Author, not only creates stories and adventures for children, but her tales always have a message for her readers. Wanda has a knack for creating stories that help our little ones conquer every day tasks. So, have a peek at what she's got in store for you, I promise, you won't be disappointed.

A Turtle's Magical Adventure

"My students were spellbound with Tad's adventures to a magical land." A Turtle's Magical Adventure is a charming, heart-warming story of a turtle who doesn’t like his shell because it makes him too slow. Tad asks other slow animals if they also mind being slow. Each one gives an answer that helps Tad feel better, but, still he wants to be fast. He happens upon a snake who tells him there is a wizard that can make him fast. He goes on an adventure into The Magical Timberwood Forest to meet the wizard and hopefully get his wish fulfilled. He encounters delightful, magical creatures along the way but also meets with danger and choices. Will Tad get his wish or will the wizard turn him into turtle soup? "Fun, fast-paced. It strikes right at the heart of every person's tendency to compare themselves to others." You can find A Turtle's Magical Adventure here >>>

And if Tat the Turtle's adventure wasn't enough to sway you, perhaps Franky, could give it a go??

Franky The Finicky Flamingo

In this story, Franky is a finicky eater or so it seems. He tries food that the other birds like to eat but nothing appeals to him. Finally, a friend helps him discover the food that is right for him. The message is about accepting our "finickiness" while also understanding our need for the "right" (aka healthy) foods.

A message from Wanda....

Franky the Finicky Flamingo was inspired by my own child's picky eating when she was a youngster. Both my husband and I had been picky eaters so we understood, but we still tried to help her expand her list of "agreeable" foods. Often when she spent the night at a friend's house, they would serve something different and she would come home excited to eat a new food. Thank goodness for friends!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Now this story is quite special to me as well, and not just because I got to doodle Franky myself, but because my own daughter is a VERY, picky eater, and she loves to read Franky's story at the dinner table, as she explores new foods. Picky Eaters, meet Franky! You can find Franky, by following the link...

Little Birdie Grows Up

Little Birdie Grows Up, is a picture book about a fuzzy little blue bird, who yearns to fly up in the big blue sky. His Mama encourages him and he tries his best. He is charming and sweet and the illustrations are delightful.

Try your best, is the motto of this little tale, and who better to learn it with, than the Little blue Birdie! Need this book for your little one? Perhaps, they too, need a little encouragement to do their best? Find it, here>>> Did I mention, that Little Birdie Grows Up, was nominated for, and won, a Reader's Choice Award??? Here she is, with Little Birdie Grows Up, receiving their award!! Congratulations, Wanda!!!! You totally deserve it!!!

Now, Wanda has even more to offer, just check out the pics below, or visit her on Amazon, and find the perfect tale for your little one!! Find all of Wanda's Works, here>>>

Author # 3- Claire Plaisted I have worked with Claire now, for about a year, and the stories she has concocted, for people of all ages, has blown my mind; but I want to share with you, her Girlie Adventures Series. This series, bring children's stories, on to a whole new level. My kids can't get enough of the little blue Ladybug named Girlie, or her adventures. Not only does Claire write these adorable and fun filled stories, but like Ashly Uzzell above, she works with the children to create tales that will teach and inspire others. Each of her stories, like Wanda Luthman's tales, bring to life the issues that many young children on a daily basis. Whether it be an argument between friends, the fear of being lost, facing a bully or helping sort out a misunderstanding at the circus, Girlie will work together with those in the Garden, to overcome the dilemma, while making friends along the way. It's easy to get along with Girlie, as she explores life in her Garden, you take a look at what she's done so far...

Girlie and the War of the Wasps

Girlie, is a young blue Ladybug, who sees her best friend, kidnapped. Venturing after her, she discovers some naughty Wasps who need to learn a thing or two about healthy eating. Along the way, Girlie meets many different characters, some who are helpful and some who aren't, and it's up to her to learn the difference. Such a cute little story, and such a strong willed little ladybug! My kids love this story, and we thrilled when they found out that there was a second Girlie book.

Find Girlie and her friends, here...

Girlie and the Quest for Pedi's Family

Girlie is far from finished with her adventures. In fact she has only just begun. Now that the hive is saved. Girlie decides it is time to find out what happened to Pedi's Family. Where were they? How could she find them? Along with Sammie Kitten, she sets out into the darkest corner of the garden in search of centipede families and helps various other insects along the way. Will she or won't she find them... Only time will tell.

Want to know more... follow the link>>>

Girlie's Circus Adventure

Girlie is back with a Circus Adventure. What will happen when she goes to the circus with her friends? Will the show go off without a hitch? What about Hercules the Black Rhino Beetle...He is the strongman in the group and loves to help everyone. Get your copy now, and find out what happens in this enchanting story. You never know who you'll meet when Girlie is around!

What else will that little blue Ladybug get up to next? I hear, she's bound to make another appearance soon, and my family can't wait to find out what she'll overcome next! Did I mention, that the Girlie's Adventure Series, is a charity series????? Yup, not only does Claire work with the children on everyday issues, 40% of the proceeds from each book, go towards a charity that that child has chosen! Girlie helps out wherever she can, and so does Claire. All of the Authors mentioned above, have helped shaped the way for kids all over. Kids who didn't know they could write a book and see it out there. Kids, who need a little extra encouragement to try new things. Kids, who have a story to tell, and just need someone to listen and help them be heard. Ashley Uzzell, Wanda Luthman Claire Plaisted, a huge thumbs up from our house, to yours, ladies. You guys are amazing!! Now I've dabbled in the world of children's stories, and let me tell you, anyone can put words down on paper, but to engage a small mind with those words, that takes someone special. I don't think I'll be wooing anyone with my stories, but I at least, needed to try. What could I say, after reading all those tales above? Intimidating? Yes! Inspiring? Very much so! So, I got on board with the latest Children's Anthology, from Plaisted Publishing, run by none other, than Claire Plaisted, herself ^^^^^^^^ :) :) :) I figured, why not, give it a try? My kids are always bugging me to write for them. I'm not going to lie, I've been writing for years, but writing for kids???? I'd tried, and failed, countless times. My stories have always been geared towards adults, so toning it down, was hard; but, I stuck with it, and the Secrets of Dry'r was born. I'd always joked about the people who lived under the dryer, stealing socks and the like, who knew I would end up creating a whole world of pipes and sewers? Once the first 1000 words were down, I was on a roll.... and it would later end up, in the Anthology. My kids loved it, and so did their friends, and once word hits the public's ears, I'm hoping more people will enjoy my tale...

The Secret of Dry'r

I even made maps! Izidor and Ozwan need to know where they're going, and so did I... I wonder how many other maps are out there??

And here's a promo I've done up, so you can all have a peek at Izzi and Ozzi's story...

Want your own copy??? It's FREE >>>>>> I had so much fun with Izidor and Ozwan. Best friends, setting out for adventure... unfortunately, my daughter wasn't too happy that she couldn't read it, and the

Adventures of Cali the Cat, came to life...

We're waiting for Elo to come home, so we can hit the approve button, and then we'll share a link with you all!!!! Until then, thanks for joining us, I know it was a long one, but oh, so worth it! Happy Reading, everyone!! Mara!

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