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An Insider's Guide to the Verse and a Tale from the Petals!

I know it's Sunday night, but I'm super busy tomorrow with props and such, getting ready for the minion's Christmas Concert, so I wanted to get this out now instead of waiting till Tuesday.

An Insider's Guide to the Devil's Daughters Collection

For everyone who has ever read one of our stories, you know how twisted they can get. Full of plot twists that is, not to mention secrets and betrayals. Now that there are ten books in this never ending series, Mark and I decided it was time to finish up the Insider's Guide. Spanning all ten books, it is jam packed with insider info, just for our fans. You'll find character interviews, maps and diagrams, definitions and descriptions of all the races you'll encounter, as well as some never before seen story clips, exclusive to the Insider's Guide. Now, not all the images have been added to the W.I.P, but just check out what's below to get an idea of what to expect...

I can post a little bit from the Guide below, but you'll have to wait for the real deal to read the rest. Here, we have Kember's Interview, and she's not to happy with the reporter. I wonder why... Full Name: Kember Del'Ganora

Sex: Female Spouse: N/A

(Reporter:) “So, there is no one in your life?”

“I didn't say that, but I am not mated or married, as per your question!”

Age: 419

Race: Witch

Children: N/A

Domain: “I tend to roam where I please!”

(Reporter:) “But where do you go, mostly?”

“The Null!”

Hair: Long, Black with Blue Highlights

Eyes: Blue

Build: 5'5”, 155 lbs

Occupational History: Daughter of The Realm of Magic, Second in Line for the Throne of Ganora

(Reporter:) “So, you're a Princess?”


Pets: None

Favorite Food: Kelmarian Ribs Favorite

Place to Visit: Indari (Before the wars!)

Best Quality: Loyal

Worst Quality: Moody

(Reporter:) “Who isn't?”

“Lady Ellara! I don't think I've ever seen her lose her temp... No, wait, never mind!” Best Friend / Confident: Madrina

Biggest Pet Peeve: Thieves

Biggest Fear: Becoming my Mother

(Reporter:) “ You and your Mother do not get along?” “That, is a long story!”

(Reporter:) “Can you break it down for us?”

“She's tried to kill me a few hundred times!” What is it like, living where you do? “Traveling about as I do, I get a first hand look at what is let behind when the war moves on! It's not pretty!” (Reporter:) “War never is!” “Then you should prepare yourselves now, for it is coming!” What is the main issue you face? “We need more people to stand with us! Those who do not, will only become fodder for the masses! Only a strong mind can withstand the Eno'tai!” How do you plan to 'fix' the issue? “Pretty sure, I just told you!” (Reporter:) “So, that's it? You have nothing more to say?” “Nope!” (Reporter:) “Did I do something to piss you all off?” “Well, Madrina wasn't too happy with all the 'will you take me there' and 'can I touch them' remarks you were making towards the Angel! Her, Angel!” (Reporter:) “I was just asking a few questions!” “Funny, cause I'm a Witch, and you haven't asked about a single spell I have cast, or if I could cast one for you; which I wouldn't! But still...” (Reporter:) “I'm... sorry....” “You didn't ask Markus, if you could see his fangs did you?” (Reporter:) “I think we should end now! I think I have enough!” “That sounds like a good idea!”

See what I mean. They can be a bit temperamental, especially when pulled away from the front lines to answer questions. But, we did manage to get an interview with each of them, and recorded all that was said, despite the commotion involved and having to call in another reporter. Anyhow, here's a clip from one of the secret stories, but just a clip...

The Other Side... It was hard to believe, that only a few short months ago, life as they knew it, had changed for the Valkyr. The world was falling apart, the universe itself under attack, and one fear could lead to one's undoing. The Eno'tai were everywhere, and for the last three hundred years, Ashlyn, daughter of Anara, had been defending the Celestial Temple from those who would see it destroyed and its powers seized. She was Valkyr, a warrior like no other, destined to protect the innocent at all costs. Like her Mother before her, she stood on the great steps as the massive cloud of purple and green loomed over head. She watched the enemy rain down on them, ripping their beloved temple from the ground and hurdling it through space and time. They were once a valiant race, but now, what was left was nothing more than a handful of females and a crumbling sanctuary that no longer offered them solace. Something had to be done, if the Valkyr were ever to succeed in overthrowing a tyrant such as Engal, and the Eno'tai. Over the last three days, he, under orders from the Eno'tai, had come through their sacred barriers in such a torrent, it was thought that all might be lost. What was left of the Valkyr, were doing the best that they could, whatever they could, to stem the tide and offer time to those who needed it most...

Want to see more, then make sure to keep up to date with all the latest gossip about the Insider's Guide, for we're working hard to bring you some of the answers you've been searching for in...

Next up on the list, is my latest contribution to yet another 5000 word short story for an anthology. This time, we're turning up the heat, and getting to know a few of our petals in....

A Tale From The Petals

Check out the prologue, and know that Nessa and Mandi have to much to learn about who they are, and where they come from... “You’re not serious, Nessa?” She asked, gawking at her sister as she held out the pamphlet. “Gods, you are serious!” She shook her head and rose from the foot of her bed. “I hate it when you get ideas like this!” “Come on, Mandi, please? We’ve always wanted to go to ball, like in all those stories you read to me!” Mandi watched as Nessa sailed about the room, an ugly brown dress held up to her chest as she pretended to dance with some unsuspecting fool. “You know why we can’t!” Mandi shook her head. “But it’s addressed to us, using our full names even…” Nessa really wanted to go, not so much because her name was on the invitation, but rather to see the one who had delivered it to her. “I’m sorry, Ness, but it’s too dangerous!” Mandi sighed, and made for the living room. She knew what would follow and prepared for the onslaught of tears and whimpers, but leaving the city, let alone the planet, was absolutely out of the question. Earth, was their home. They were safe here, and though they were not totally Human, they were close enough and had done well so far blending in. If they were to leave this place and venture out like the others had… “Why are you so afraid? What will make you see that we were born to explore, Mandira?” “Don’t call me that, that’s not my name anymore!” Mandi glared at her tear streaked face, only to feel her resolve weaken as her heart fluttered. Guess we'll have to wait and find out where Nessa wants to go so badly, and why Mandi is so afraid to let her!! Due out Valentines 2018, this is set to be one steamy read!! So let me know what you think, and I may, share a little more! Happy Reading Everyone!!!

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