Tales from the Rose, A Treasure Chest of Children's Stories, Winter Wishes and Winning NaNoWriMo
EEEEKKKK! It's bee too long! I wanted this to be a Happy Monday Blog, to help eliminate some of those work week blues.... but, we're back, and we have more to share with you! First up, our Petal from the Black Rose have been working hard with their stories. The tales are more twisted and full of thorns than ever before, but still, the Petals carry on a midst chaos. Take a look for yourself, at the latest update to
Dreamscapes Mia was shaking as she returned to her natural form, like a leaf on the wind, her bones rattled away until Kordahn embraced her. "Be still!" His words did nothing to comfort her, as her eyes wandered to the horror that lay, unconscious on the floor at her feet. Recalling the previous few moments, Mia watched as Nidal lunged at her, furious for outing him to his Masters, and she'd appeared to him in the only form she could think of to stop his rage. Marena had been his, and up until she'd learned of his betrayal, she'd loved him. She'd had everyone out searching for her lost love, only to find him at the side of her enemy, yet as she stood there, the image of Marena shining through, Mia watched as the male who'd betrayed his love had fallen to his knees at the sight of her; and before that, when he'd not been able to control himself in the crypts. Mia had never been more thankful to be barren in all her life. "Is he..." She muttered, feeling Kordahn's fingers running through her hair. "Dead? No, he's very much alive!" Kordahn replied with her head against his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. "He should be dead!" Came another voice, and Mia turned to see the Warden enter the room. Looming over them all, his dark shaggy fur all matted and covered in dirt, the Mornin was a sight for sore eyes and Mia couldn't break free from Kordahn fast enough, embracing the giant, scruffy looking male. "I thought..." She started, hugging him again. "They said that you were missing, and I feared you were lost in the tunnels..." "Easy now, Euphamia!" The Mornin smiled down at her, and then laughed, reaching for her amulet. "Never thought I'd see this again!" He chuckled. "It's been a long while!" "How long?" Mia inquired, her own fingers running over the smooth violet colored surface. "A few thousand years, at least!" He told her. "Last time it was in this Verse, Anaxa had stolen it from her sisters!" "They stole it from Lithia!" Mia blurted out, wondering where the female had gone. She was silent in Mia's mind, no words, no visions, it was as if she was afraid to show herself. "Well now, it would seem this day is one for old memories!" The Mornin cocked a furry brow at her as he pulled away from her. "Tell me, Euphamia, how do you know of these things?" Mia wasn't sure how to answer that, but Lithia did. "For she has been gracious enough to be my host, in hopes that we can see my body freed!" Her voice was accompanied by her shadow, and yet the features she took on, it were as if Lithia herself were standing before them. "You, are the one, called Lithia?" The Mornin grunted, eyeing the shadow and then Mia. "I am!" Lithia replied, "Though, only part me!" "I do not understand!" Kordahn cut in. "Only part of you?" Lithia's shadow took on a new form, like a screen, it mirrored what was happening to her at that very moment. She sat in the middle of her cell, hands bound and her back arched. Darkness surrounded her, darkness, and faces. The Mornin gasped as they circled her, entering her from one side and exiting another, all while she screamed in agony. "This is happening, even now?" The Mornin growled, and looked at Mia. "Do you know, who it is you harbor, Euphamia?" "I know enough, to want to help her!" Mia replied. "She is their mother!" He shot back with another growl. "She is an unwilling participant in a war that has gone on, long enough! Not only did she guide us here to rescue you, rescuing her, will most likely stop the bloodshed, or at least halt it for a time!" Mia shook her head. "They're using her, you can see it right there before you!" "How are you going to accomplish this task?" Kordahn was the first to speak. "I'm going home, and I'm taking Lithia, and that bastard, with me!" Mia grinned, eyeing a passed out Nidal on the floor. "But not until order has been restored here!" "Taking Lithia to your mother, is not a good idea!" The Warden warned, shaking his head. "Her darkness would cancel out the light, and both would harbor powers unlike any before!" "I'm going to pretend that that made perfect sense, and smile!" Mia laughed, "All I know, is that we have to help her, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but we need my mother's help!" "Helping that, which you know nothing about, is dangerous, Euphamia!" The Mornin warned again. "I have spent the last four weeks with her inside my head, I think I know enough to see this through!" Mia replied, and looked back at the image in Lithia's shadow. "No one, should have to suffer like that." Seems like Euphamia has a lot on her hands at the moment, and that's nothing, compared to what is getting into..... Two Days Later Location: Low orbit over Samo' ana Malice was doing her pre-flight checks with her niece, Melanie and the Shookh that were still on board. It seems a deal had been struck and the little bastards were tagging along as part of her engineering crew. In all honesty, they had done more good than harm, repairing system after system working. Like little workers, they swarmed an issue, resolved it, and moved on. It was fascinating, especially to Nyx and Jack. Standing by the tails of the fighters with their arms crossed, Jack chuckled and rolled his eyes at the paint job Malice had requested. "Are you sure you won t take a shuttle? I mean, this thing is a work of art, you really want to take her our of her museum?" Malice grinned and patted one of the fighter's wings. "No, Jack, I'll be alright!" She smiled at him, and then at Nyx. "Come on, You!" She called out and waited to watch the Demon climb in. It was a tight fit, that was for sure. Made for a smaller Humanoid, Nyx almost had his knees in his ears. It was a sight to see and Malice had to do her best not to laugh and between Jack's cursing, and Nyx's growling, they got his seat adjusted. It wasn't much better, but at least he could get his harness on before Malice closed the canopy on him. "Starting Launch sequence." The Nekkad A.I told her and the fighter began to levitate as the ship was guided to the launch cradle. Once locked in the launch tube, Malice ran the throttles to full power and the Nekkad counted down. "I love this part!" She grinned, but Nyx couldn't see it, too busy holding his breath. "Launch, in three. Two. One." No sooner had they been shot from the launch tube, Malice began to input coordinates, and they shot off even faster. Like a bullet speeding from the barrel of a gun, they sailed away from the Nekkad, intended for their target. "Woohoo!" Malice screamed as loud as she could. "Holy Shit!" Nyx bellowed as the stars flew past them. "I had forgotten what a rush that was! You alright back there?" She giggled. "Yeah, I will be, after we reach the surface and you pry this seat out of my ass!" The Demon growled. Malice did her best to resist the urge to practice her aerial combat maneuvering, for she didn't need Demon puke everywhere. That shit was nasty, and the smell was hard as hell to get out of the leather. Instead, it was smooth sailing as Samo'san came into sight, and they descended into the atmosphere. Malice was quick and scanners buzzing as she searched for any signs of Khia, Mia, or the Guild Hall, but nothing was registering. Whatever the sensors had picked up, it was gone now, and Malice was slightly pissed. "It's Malice, sound off, damn it!" She snarled into the silence. "Khia? Mia? Anybody, fucking Report!" Still, nothing but silence, and a large gaping crater where the Isle of Samo'ana used to be. "I don't get it!" Malice sighed, feeling the nausea build in her gut. "The sensors showed life, and lots of it..." "I see nothing but a bit hole!" Nyx growled, "Should we land?" Running another sweep, and feeling the churn in her belly, Malice shook her head. "No, we should get the Nekkad back to The Null. We'll send someone out for a second look when we return!" Oh, Malice! Always with her toys. How many ships is that now? Four? Five? The flying temple wasn't enough????? But seriously, that's what makes the story so awesome, our characters are at war, but none have lost their humor. Okay, Euphamia's humor is darker than before, but she still finds something to laugh about amid all the battles and secrets! When you think about it, if it wasn't for that sense of humor and witty sarcasm, they'd all have hopped on the crazy train by now! Instead, we have a handful of books yet to release, filled with stories that will find us all unveiling some of the deepest and darkest secrets of all... but we'll talk more about that later. Now, I have something of a more child like nature to share with you all. I've had a lot of fun working on this, and I'm super excited to share it all with you now! Plaisted Publishing House Presents.... A Treasure Chest of Children's Stories

Coming December 15th So many fun filled stories for children four to twelve years old, all in one book. The video below, speaks for itself...
Let's slow those promos down a little..... I had a hand in the creation of a few of them, and even contributed my very first children's story, The Secret of Dry'r :)
A Treasure Chest of Children's Stories is coming December 15th, so keep your eyes open for this wonderful collection!! Winter Wishes of the Heart

A collection of short Holiday Stories from Ashley Uzzel Let me start out by saying that I love all of this Ashley's work, and Winter Wishes of the Heart gets even better. Inside you'll find stories to warm you up on those cold winter nights, and I won't spoil it, but I will tell you that the Round Table Chant was my favorite of them all. I can relate to the tale all too well, and Ashley Uzzel has worded it perfectly in true Holiday Style.
I give the whole collection a five stars, but that first one will always be my favorite!!!! You can read it for yourself, by clicking the link below, and grab your own copy of Winter Wishes of the Heart. https://www.amazon.com/Winter-Wishes-Heart-Ashley-Uzzell-ebook/dp/B0773QX39P/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1512414860&sr=8-1&keywords=winter+wishes+of+the+heart+ashley+uzzell
My NaNoWriMo and book six in The Devil's Daughters crossover... Illusions of The Present
We totally did it!! Clocking in at 64,000+ words, Illusions of The Present is set to be fully edited and sent to publishers... and I want to share with you all a possible cover I've been working on..... Let me know what you think!!

And as always, Happy Reading guys, I have to get to my real job now, though #IdRatherBeWriting #WritersLife #JustReadIt Have you read them yet? Just Check out the reviews......