From The Black Rose and Pink Flamingos to the Ghostly Writes, and Children of Stone, come scour the
Well hello again, and welcome to another installment of our insanity! My co-author, Mark McQuillen and I have been uber busy with the release of our latest bout of chaos, Distorted Pasts, which arrived on Amazon, Sept 30th, 2017 and came with a week long event to celebrate!!! We had loads of fun with some wicked Authors, and showered our readers in giveaways!!! Lots of friends were made, and my To Be Read List is now twice the size it was before!!! How do we have time to read? We make time! Even now, I got my hands on a sneak peak at an upcoming collection of short stories, and let me tell you, Christmas can't come fast enough! I know I have some Winter Wishes that need filled! Santa will you fill my shelves this year??????? Now that that little tune is stuck in my head, let me show you some of the books on my wish list, and then I'll show you all what's been happening as of late in our Universe!! 1. Franky the Finicky Flamingo, by Wanda Luthman

Released today, Nov 3, 2017, Franky is making himself known to children everywhere, and helping out with those picky eaters! Just check out his book bio below.... Franky is a proud, well-dressed, beautifully colored pink flamingo but, he doesn’t know the right food to eat. He tries food that other birds like but he doesn’t enjoy any of them. Then, the unthinkable happens. His adored pink color begins to fade. What will Franky do now? Find out in Franky, The Finicky Flamingo. Want your own copy of Franky? Just follow the link, you won't be disappointed!!!
2. Plaisted Publishing House's Ghostly Writes Anthology 2017

ENTER IF YOU DARE... A new Ghostly Writes Anthology for 2017, gives you sixteen authors from around the world with ghostly stories and poems for you to read. Each short story will take you to a new place, be it the future, present or past; and it's FREE!!!! Just look at the teasers below, and that's not even half of the wickedness contained in this book!!
Even I have a tale in this terribly twisted collection of haunting tales and paranormal poetry!! There's even a video....
Come grab your free e-copy now!
** Did you know, that the 2016 Ghostly Writes Anthology, won second place in the Summer Indie Book Awards????? Let's see if we can do it again!
3. Children of Stone, by Mary R Woldering Once you start this incredible series, you'll never want to put it down. Mary has created a whole new take of some of Egypt's oldest characters, and lays it out beautifully in her award winning, Children of Stone Series.

Check out the bio for book one, Voices in Crystal, I was hooked! "We are children made of stone Tiny voices are as grains of sand Come to us, Marai Man of Ai Man of the sand" When Marai, a shepherd living at the foot of Mt. Sinai in the third millennium BC, sings to his goddess one night, he sees a falling star. Tracking it, he discovers a strange vessel containing crystalline entities resembling earthly stones and gems: the Children of Stone. The Children delight in this simple shepherd and his songs of love. They ask him to host their intelligence; to bring them to the sages and priests who have spent their lives seeking the wisdom of the stars. When he agrees, he is transformed into a godlike being. Still a passionate shepherd at heart, Marai gathers others, like lambs to his fold. His journey to the wise men of ancient Kemet won't be easy. Things hidden, that wait in darkness, are always there. Children of Stone Book 1 - Voices in Crystal begins Marai's journey toward wisdom. Blending history, ancient literature, mythology, classic archetypes, and personal inspiration, Woldering takes the reader on a speculative and emotional journey through the ancient world, and worlds beyond. Marai and his companions, through the help of the Children of Stone, find themselves walking into, and becoming part of ancient legends. "Years ago, when I began to study mythology, writes the author, it occurred to me that the gods and goddesses never seemed divine. They acted like super-talented people full of very human passions and shortcomings, appearing in different legends like threads woven into the tapestry of time and culture. This series is the story of some of these 'gods'." Now I love Egyptian fantasy, but this is going above and beyond! Just look at the reviews she's getting.... *FIVE STARS Rich and Mesmerizing Adventure! December 27, 2016 Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase Voices in Crystal is a lush, grand adventure that I did not want to leave! I love history,so this Historical Fantasy was right up my alley. There's so many nuances to the's difficult to say which captured me? I believe everything working together from the rich, mesmerizing descriptions to the adventure...all captured me and would not let go until the end! Author Mary Woldering is an excellent storyteller who weaves a world (overlapping our own) that truly captivates and entertains! I'm looking forward to the next in the series! *FIVE STARS
A great start to what promises to be an exciting an ...
April 15, 2015 Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
A well written fantasy adventure that takes you back to ancient legends that come alive and seem fresh and new. Voices in Crystal is book one of The Children in Stone series and you will be hooked as the author builds each character making you desperate to know what happens to them next. A great start to what promises to be an exciting an entertaining series. Highly recommended for all fans of the genre. There are three books so far, Voices in Crystal, Going Forth by Day, and her latest edition, which has one two awards, Opener of The Sky! Check out it's teaser below!

An amazing series, and you can read all about Marai and his people in the Children of Stone series, available on Amazon! Just follow the link!
4. I mentioned it above, but in case you missed it.... Winter Wishes of the Heart, by Ashley Uzzell

'Presenting four short stories to curl up with for the holidays. Whether it is a teen discovering love, a boy enjoying a winter tradition with his brother, or a young man finding a friend in his time of need, these stories will melt your heart and keep you warm and fuzzy despite the cold...' and let me tell you, I feel all warm and fuzzy now! Much needed, as the first snow fell on us yesterday, but Ashley Uzzell never ceases to amaze me and once again, I am thrilled with her work! As this collection of short stories is coming soon, you can pre-order your copy of Winter Wishes of the Heart below! I'll post more of my wish list in the coming days, but now, I want to show you what Mark and I have been up to. Sort of looks something like this... Yes, we we border on the edge of insanity, but we like it. Yes, we can remember all their names (this timeline helps, a lot, but so do our fans!!) No, we don't see it ending, any time soon. We didn't just create a collection of stories, we created a universe, in which hundreds of stories could take place, and as you can see below, well... we've got a good chunk started. We even made a map of the Universe(s)! Yup, there are three of them...

And that's not even all of the worlds, just a handful of the ones visited so far... Malice and Euphamia have lots more to discover...

Now, don't panic! This is a timeline, for all the books in the Devil's Daughter's and Valkyrie Darkness series. Only a handful have been published, a few more have already been written and need editing, and there are even two books missing from the picture... The Child, comes before the The Hunt, and The Awakening will come after it. Both tales are being written in our secret group and will be out for everyone to view in the next few years! I know, we're crazy, but that's all in the fun of it. Writing with Mark has definitely been a blast! I don't think we'd have gotten this far if we didn't work together! THANK YOU, MARK!!!!! Now, back to the timeline... A lot has happened with our characters, and more seems to be piling on the horizon. The more we add, the deeper we get, and I am loving every minute of it. We've even got stories above, that were co-written with other Authors! One big, happy, award winning, writing family! Check it out, First place for Legends, Chronicles, Judgments and Distorted Pasts... while Ezrianna claimed top spot for Best Erotic Fantasy, in the Virtual Fantasy Con Awards 2017!!! We Couldn't Have Done It Without You!!!
To date, we have published 12 of the stories above, and we're obviously not done yet. Check out some of our teasers...
All of our books are available on Amazon/Kindle, Lulu Publishing, Kobo, Nook, iBookstore and more!! Or, you could visit us on our Facebook Page Pages of Insanity>>> Now that you're all caught up, I have one last thing to mention, as I set up my Terraria on the Ps3... How many of you are gamers? Ps3, xBox, Nintendo, PC???? And how many of you have heard about Extra Life? Playing video games, for a purpose? And I don't mean to get that extra shadow orb to summon the Eater of Worlds.... I mean, for charity? A fundraiser, that lets you play AND support children in need.... Meet, Extra Life! Extra Life, is a Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals fundraising program within the gaming community. Participants fundraise year-round and pledge to game for 24 hours with one goal: to save and improve the lives of sick and injured kids. Funds raised stay local to help pediatric patients at 170 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals across North America. Since 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $30 million for member hospitals. The movement, formed by gamer's bonded by passion, is committed to saving and improving the lives of local kids. Extra Life, helping kids get the care they need, one level up at a time!
Need a team to join?? Want to know how you can get on board and play for a cause? Here is the link for the Krawk Island Krusaders, go and sign up and say hi to Ashlyn and the team for me!! Get your controllers, and pick out your favorite game, cause it all starts tonight, Nov 3rd, 2017! Get ready to play for awesomeness, and click the link below! I told you we were busy... but because you read my whole blog post, I'd like to leave you with a little something from, The Child, as was mentioned above... Thanks for following! The Child... "The fact that you wear it, only indicates that she has removed herself from the link. That bracelet, was hers!" Sigrun shook her head. "I am sorry, Malice! But it won't be that easy to find your mother! She wouldn't let it be that easy!" "Of course not!" Malice growled, still pacing back and forth. "It is best if you contact this, Bel, and have her search the outer most systems! Janice would not hide in plain sight as other Valkyr would! She is smarter, stronger and far more cautious than her younger self; all thanks to Lithia." "You and I will discuss this in great detail, right down to how you all kept secrets, from your Queen; even, if I have to order you to do so!" Malice grinned at Sigrun, and then at Ashlyn. "And you..." She turned to Ellaria. "You and I, are going to start putting the pieces of this disaster back together; starting with Eroch." "He will not be easy to convince!" Lady Ellaria sighed, "I fear his anger is too great! Euphamia is his favorite, his heir!" "And if he wants her to live her life, he'll have to accept that mistakes were made out of fear. The enemy is laughing at us right now, and the souls we've lost are rolling in their graves! We must fix this, Ellaria!" Sigrun replied, eyeing the lady up and down. "What is done, is done. Let it not hinder our chance at a peaceful future. They know now what has happened, let them fix what we could not." to be continued....