Proceed with Caution when Pricing Works of Art
Warning: This is long, and carries with it a plea at the end, but it's not what you would think; and I've added some pictures to brighten it up for you.... Just various bits I've created here and there!

Okay, I'll just blurt it out.... Why do some people have to focus on the price, and not the art itself?
I would rather trade my skills than sell them, might just be me, but that's who I am. Hearing that, I wanted to start by saying that I doodle or create things, out of boredom. It's a hobby, and I like to help people!

Apparently, that's not how most people think though. The subject of price always comes up, and mention of trade gives you a 50/50 chance of either a good deal, or another mention of price; as if money was the only currency out there.
I love to trade! I make a promo for you, you share it with all your friends and clients. They ask where you got it from and you tell them. That's promo for me too, you know? I write a story and you're an editor who needs a new cover.... Tradesies! I help you with a business logo, you promote me on your business.... Tradesies! I make a promo for a magazine... they promote my books for me throughout said magazine.... again, Tradesies! But when someone won't trade, either because they can't and don't have anything to trade but money, or they just won't, it gets tricky.

My problem is that, I didn't go to school. I didn't take any special courses. Youtube and Google were my teachers, I use mostly free software and stock photos (or draw my own), so I can't really call myself a pro. I dabble and play, offering up my creations here and there, and well that may be cool to some people, but there are those who always HAVE to know a price. So I set one a few months back on my website for everyone to see, stating that I'd take trades and that they could make an offer... I even added a wicked Cover Artist they could visit if they didn't see anything they liked.
BIG MISTAKE, not the referral, but the actual price list!

Sure, I got some awesome comments and I loved helping people so it seemed like a win; until people began mentioning how I was undermining other Artists... My prices should be higher... If I wanted to make it in the real world I had to stop helping people and charge them for my time... You're wasting your time with prices that low...
That last one pissed me off the most, I won't lie! I didn't waste my time I had fun! Does this not look like fun??

So I looked it up, and some image designers can charge up to 500$ for a cover, which is awesome if they've gone to school for it. By all means, that cover is going to be way better than mine, I guarantee it. I'm not a Photoshop Pro, and Digital Design is amazing, but I like to write more than doodle. I know, it's shocking, but it's the truth and I don't think I'm 'Qualified' if that's even the right word, to charge people anything for my work. Still, the money does help buy new programs and gadgets to create them with!
It's an amazing world out there for Artists of all kinds, but when you have to put a price on it... For some it's easy, for Me, it's hard. So here I am, somewhere between that's too much, and this is not enough. What is my time worth? For me, it's priceless, but then so is the praise I get when one creation turns out amazing, and kept me occupied during my moments of boredom. Win, Win, right?

But people want what they want, and they wanted a price list. I made them one, but it wasn't good enough. So like any project, it was updated :) Now, hopefully people won't think I'm crazy and more of my art can get out there; but I'll let you decide!

Some people hate getting reviews or opinions on their work, whether it be a painting, a book cover, a book or a blog post. I like to see what people are thinking, and adjust accordingly. Some of those opinions could be helpful, so I ask you to go have a peek at my new 'Price List', and keeping in mind what I said above (Hint: Not A Pro) let me know what you think. Seriously, go.... Here's the link!