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Stop what you're doing... You need to read this! Respect The Cookies!

So, what does everyone think of Palm Trees? What about Hockey? Popsicles? Everyone loves Popsicles, am I right? I mean, how could you not? Puppies? Kittens? Dolphins? They all make you happy, right? Well, below is a snippet from a story I have been working on, and I wanted to share it, because it just fits with what's going on in the world. So much anger, so much hatred... not enough cookies! Most would cringe at the pitter patter of little feet, scampering across the kitchen floor... Sure, they're probably about to raid the cookie jar, but don't worry, just breathe. Think about it, you have silence for a moment; followed by the sound of giggles as they think they've gotten away with their sneaky little plans. Now, at this moment, you could freak out, yell and stress out... or you can do what I did. I was tired of letting them walk all over me, and it was time for a change; not to mention, I wanted cookies now! Mmmm cookies! Now there is something you can sink your teeth into, but your kids have most likely finished them all by now! None the less, you could make more. Yes, it means more work; but come on, warm, gooey, chocolately chip cookies..... I'm in. Think about it, mix them up, lay them out, pop them into bake and grab a glass of milk and a book to read while you wait. The smell alone will be worth it, as you flip through the pages waiting for the timer; which will draw the attention of Sneaky One and Sneaky Two and little sister makes three. No child, can resist the smell of fresh baked cookies coming out of the oven, trust me. Get right in and take a good smell, pull out your inner Diva and put on a good mouth watering show as you take two of those cookies and gently place them on a plate; their eyes watching in desperation as you put the flipper down and... return to your seat. Pick up your book and bring that milk in close, and savor the looks on their faces as you take that first glorious bite and await the never ending 'Can we have one?' You can answer them right away, or take another bite at this moment, letting the gooey chocolate drip down your chin. 'I'm sorry, what was that?' You ask, before taking a long sip of your nice cold milk. 'Can we have some?' (Note how it went from ONE, to SOME?) Now this, this is going to sound extremely mean, and I may even get a few BOO's for it; but come on, the little buggers just ate all the cookies. DO NOT give in now! 'I don't know, can you? I mean, are you able to handle the cookies?' I sigh, looking at all three of them. One is trying not to smirk, one is fidgeting like a madman, and the littlest one is eyeing my cookies like she's gonna die if she doesn't get one; even though she's had like, four, already! 'We can eat cookies!' The little one blurts out. 'But can you respect the cookies?' I asked, and now, I'm getting the WTH? face from all of them. 'Cookies, are like little wafers of happiness! They taste so good...' You pause and take another bite. 'So very good, and they make you feel happy inside when you eat them!' 'I love cookies!' The youngest grins so wide, it's almost enough to break you. DON'T DO IT! 'I love cookies too, and I respect the cookies, because I know that they make people happy!' 'Umm...' The oldest starts, and you can see his eyes watching the cookie on my plate. 'Now, if the cookies make people happy, and someone needs a cookie because they're feeling sad...' I paused again, taking a sip of my milk. 'Say they go to the jar cause they know the cookies work, but they get there and there are no cookies...' Three guilty faces, DON'T CRACK. Don't yell, don't sigh, just smile and say. 'When you take away all the cookies, you take away someone's chance to be happy; and that's not very nice!' Silence, and then 'I'm sorry, Mom! I didn't respect the cookie!' The little one sighs again. 'We weren't sad at all, but we ate all your happiness cause it tasted so good!' 'Now, some people can create happiness on their own, like how I made more cookies!' I smiled, finishing my milk. "But not all of them know how, so they get grumpy and sometimes that grumpiness makes them do silly things!" 'Then someone should teach them how!' The oldest replies. 'Teach the how to make the cookies so they can get the happiness!' The middle one adds. 'Respect the cookies, so everyone can have some!' The giggles started as I finished the last piece of cookie and looked at all three of them. 'So, can you share your happiness with us, please?' She asked as I rose from my chair. 'Are you sad?' I asked as I put the plate in the sink. 'Yeah!' The middle one replied. 'We made you sad, cause we ate all the cookies and there were none for you!' 'But you made more, cause that's what Mom's do. They love us, and make us happy!' More giggles. 'With cookies?' Huge grins, and yes, I cracked. See, cookies are like happiness! If you don't respect the cookie, or whatever it is that makes you happy, you're likely to fall victim to 'The Grump'. So, they stole your cookies... learn to make more. Adapt! Make changes, and ensure that they can never steal your happiness again. Learn to respect the cookies, to make more cookies; learn to create happiness, not devour it! Could you imagine all the smiles we would have, if everyone just respected and made more cookies; I mean happiness? Sorry, just like cookies, I need coffee; so I'll let you think about this little moment! Happy Creating People!

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