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Legends #CoverReveal

You have no idea how excited we are to tell you all, that the Legends #CoverRevealParty was a HUGE HIT!!! We had so many wicked Authors and giveaways, some amazing book promos, and a lot of epic laughs! Three days of Author Takeovers and fun, and the story is only just beginning!!

What started out with my We Are The Devil's Daughters, had grown into something I can't even find the right words to describe; and with Mark's Valkyrie series, Darkness Awaits, and it is Rising! So take a look at this little blurb from Legends, and then take a peek at the release video that went live this past weekend; and get lost in a whole new Verse...

Door number two, had offered much, in the way of papers and file folders, boxes of medical grade what have yous, and then there was the cot in the corner that looked as if it had seen better days. Someone had actually stayed in this room, as it was their own; like an office? A very dirt, dingy looking office. Nope, and on to door number three. By the time they stood outside door number five across the hall, they had found yet another, cramped and hideous looking office, and something that resembled a walk-in freezer unit, but there was nothing cold, about what was stored inside. In fact, it was warmer in there, than in the rest of the facility, and the boxes piled up in stacks, some nearly touching the ceiling... Malice was just about to swipe the card, when she heard Nyx in the first room where she'd left him. “Fuck, me!” His words echoed down the long hallway. “Mal?” He bellowed for her, and she shook her head, tossing Navina the card as she sauntered back towards the, in her words 'Mother fucking, son of a...' ending with a word she had never, heard before. Note to self, the Warrior, was not someone you'd want to piss off, on any given, good day; let alone when she's just been beckoned like an animal to its master. She wasn't about to follow Malice back there either, shuddering at the shouting that had already started. Seriously, an old married couple, and he'd just smashed that last straw. No way, was Navina standing watch as the two of them clobbered one another, and she slid the card through the slot and waited for the door to open. It didn't, which was odd, maybe the pad was broken? Either way, she clearly wasn't Nyx, or Lync, so there was no getting in at this time. Oh well, on to door number six, and oh look, another office. Seven was more of a kitchen, with counters and what looked like a counter-top ice box. Pots and pans strewn across the floor, knives and ladles, mashers and mixers; had to be a kitchen, with whatever had exploded in the last attempt at cooking, still smeared across the ceiling. Okay, on to door number eight, and the flashy light above it. None of the others had one, she noted, looking back down the hall, her hand ready and waiting with the key card. It was the last door, besides number five, and hold Lyla tight, fully loaded with finger on the trigger, she let it slide and walked in; just as Nyx came barreling out into the hall. “What was...” She started as she turned to go back, but the metal door slid shut in front of her, and the light sprang on, lighting up the room behind her like the sun had just risen. She turned around slowly, her boots squeaking as she spun on the balls of her feet. This room was way bigger, than all the others. Brighter, and creepier, she thought to add, as she stared out across the waves of singles beds. Lined up in rows, with a small crate to the left and a book on the pillow. “What the hell?” She let out, before her legs gave out and she hit the floor.

'They, will survive!' The voice chuckled, and she watched as the male in the long white cloak, paced back and forth in the room below her. Hidden in the ventilation system, she could see all of their little experiments, each and every child, black hair, white eyes, dressed in smock that wrapped around their waists. Males and females of all ages, some sitting, some reading, all of them, deep in thought. 'They are not ready!' A female's voice entered the room, her concern for the young so prominent in the way she stood with her hands on her hips. 'They cannot go until they are ready!' 'The Masters have waited long enough...' Came a third, set of voices? Voices that caused the chills to run up and down her back. 'Phase two is almost upon us, our good Doctor, those bundles are precious to our cause, we need them!' The voices carried on, echoing throughout the room, and up into the ceiling where she hid. 'Only to send the males into war! You have increased their strength and their stamina, pushed their abilities to the max... And the females, My Lords, they have become so fertile with all the modifications, one even sneezes on them, and we face doubles, even more in some cases! We can't even let them see one another! We've had to separate them...' 'Why would you want to do that?' The voices inquired, and the Doctor took a step back. 'They're already breaking away from routine, it's like they hunger for one thing, and one thing only...' 'Excellent!' The voices chuckled in unison. 'Then we are almost ready to begin...' 'If we can't control them, my Lords, we risk the chance that they...' 'Will populate a world that we may call our own!' The voices laughed, 'An entire world of beings we created, for our divine right to, live, as you all do now! Those children will grow, fast, they will mate, with each other, and with others they encounter along the way, their children, and their children's children... all of them connected to us. Our blood, running through their veins, their loyalty...' 'You speak of such things, and yet, you do not think about the consequences, my Lords, the universe is not ready for these 'things'...' 'And yet, stage two is happening, right under your feet! They reproduce faster, grow faster, live longer than an average host, and the females, birthing twins and triplets at a time, we will have control of this verse, and these children, and those we acquire along the way...' 'You can't subject civilians to this procedure, those children were grown in a lab, my Lords, the thought of using real people...' 'It has already been done, Doctor, even now, there are young in your nursery, birthed from those taken and genetically altered to match out criteria! Those young are not even half as strong or skilled as the others, but they will be put to the test none the less...' 'What test? What is going on around here? I am the lead in the camp, these 'tests' are to be run by me, personally, and I know nothing of it! Who ordered these tests? Those are my...' 'Things?' The voice's grew louder. 'They are not, your, things! In fact, you have nothing, Doctor, nothing at all.' She watched as the female slid against the wall, sliding again to the floor with a look of sadness upon her face. 'You have lost everything, you home, your job, your mate...' The more words she heard, the darker her expression became, until the female pulled herself up off the floor, and made for the nearest door. 'She will not last long...' The voices chuckled. 'I worry she may be a threat, my Lords!' The second voice cut in. 'Never mind her, she will not be a problem, and we have a task for our newest Lead. Would you please do us the honor, of escorting us to our precious bundles, so that we may see our work, in action?'

“Is she up yet?” She heard the sound of Nyx's voice. “Yup, she's coming to, now!” “Good, cause I got a feeling we may be in for some company!” He grumbled. “Why?” Navina let out, feeling the hoarseness in her throat. “This place, is some kind of lab!” Nyx grumbled. “Some kind of genetic experiments, but the files are all screwed up. Best I can tell is there was a break out...” “I know!” She mumbled again, taking a bottle of water that Malice had handed to her. “But they didn't break out, they were let out!” “How do you know?” “Pretty sure, the fact she's just coming to...” “Not the time, Malice!” Nyx growled. “You got issues, Home Slice?” Malice grinned, and sat herself down on a nearby chair. “We shouldn't even be out here, but oh no, the Valkyrie had to save the day!” Nyx shot back at her. “Hey there, puppy dog, down boy!” Malice snickered back. “Who left her alone in the first place?” “She is not, my female!” “Neither am I, but you seem to...” Holy hell, the two of them were usually all flirty and sarcastic, now they were just, assholes to each other. “Hey, guys?” Navina let out, and they both turned and glared at her. One, big ass Demon with black hair and marking that took on an amber hue, kind of like right now; and a Warrior with long blonde locks, fully armored with a grin so wide, regardless of her mood. Both replied with a “WHAT?” “You said something about leaving?” She reminded them, the ache in her bones residing as she tried to sit up. It sucked when your body just decided to space out and lose all control of its limb. 'Forehead, meet floor!' And Bam... “This lab has been used recently, and not by those assholes outside! There are records of other species being involved in this... They were experimenting on hundreds of different races... and...” “And what?” Navina inquired. “Home boy triggered an alarm when he tried to bust his way in here!” Malice rolled her eyes. “It wasn't my fault! How was I supposed to know it was rigged?” “Flashy light!” Both Navina and Malice let out at the same time. “Fuck off!” He grumbled, “It doesn't matter anyhow, with that storm still billowing outside, no ones getting in or out of here until it passes.” “Which leads us to problem number two!” Malice added, shaking her head. “We have no contact with the ship!” “What do you mean no contact? The sand storm shouldn't have affected their communications...” Navina pointed out. “But it does ours! These walls won't let nothing through.” Malice laughed. “And going outside to contact them, is out of the question, so they have no idea that someone may be coming.” Nyx added. “They're totally blind!” “Then we have to find the sub basement!” “Schematics said nothing of lower levels.” Nyx cocked a brow at her. “What did you see?” “Scientists! They were talking with someone they called their 'Lords' and they wanted to see how the experiments were progressing...” Navina started, “They spoke of children and their enhance abilities...” “Children?” Malice let out in a whisper. “There were, children, here?” “Grown from a test tube in this very lab, but still, very much children; according to the Doctor who kept claiming they weren't ready.” “Of course they weren't ready, they were fucking children! Who in their right fucking mind, uses children as lab rats? Seriously? That is so disturbing on so many levels! Just imagine those poor... Those sons of bitches will pay, twice the sum the each life they fuckered with!” Malice growled, the feather in her wings, just itching for release. “What a pack of cold-hearted, egotistical, psychotic fucks! Children?” It was clear, that Malice and Nyx hadn't know what truly went on in this bunker. The files they spoke of, must not have mentioned the ages of the subjects, and she wondered what else it had left out, as Malice continued her rant. “... not some half-assed job either, hang em in the tallest tree and light that shit on fire! Tell me, what the fuck, could they possibly have wanted with those children?” Did she really want that answered? But, with how she had just, verbally assaulted every Insid within a hundred mile radius and sworn to gut them all and hang them like stuck meat, it couldn't get any worse, could it? What else could she do to them? “Some kind of breeding program!” She let out quickly, and Malice all but hit the floor. “Like... sex?” She managed to get out. “That is what breeding means, Mali!” Nyx chuckled, but it didn't last long. “I know what the fuck it means, I was just hoping the fuckheads had come up with another meaning for it, something that wasn't, Oh I don't know, raping children!” Malice growled at him. “From what I could tell, if it will help, was that the Doctor actually cared for the children, I can't see her letting anyone get raped!” Navina sighed, “I'm not condoning what happened at all,...”She added, when the glare turned on her. “...but they were treated well...” “Yes, cause being trapped in a bunker and forced to mate is considered 'treating someone well' these days! They were children, Navina!” Malice grumbled, her eyes flashing. “Yes, they were! But they were allowed to mingle with one another, at first. There was a point when they all came of age, and...” “Enough!” Nyx growled. “We need to get out of here before this place is crawling with Insid.” “Oh, let them come, my friend, let them fucking come!” Malice was grinning, her eyes still lit like fire burned within them, and even Nyx had to shudder. “I have always drawn the line with children, they are too pure, too innocent... and these fuckers, will pay!” The air was sizzling around her, her fists clenched tight as she tried to hold it all in, but the sparks were visible, and the heat she was producing... “Where are you going?” Navina inquired, and Malice brushed past them. “Out!” She replied, careening out the door and into the hall. “You can't go out there!” Navina reminded her, but Malice spun on her heels and got into her face. “And where should I go, my Lady? Or should I blast us all with the energy that has built up inside me? It's a force I'd rather not reckon with, and one that you may not survive...” Her words were calm as could be, but Navina could feel the mass of power building, leaking from between clenched fingers, and then... click. The door slid open down the hall as the current ran past it, and then closed again. Opened, and then closed. Again and again, almost as if it were jammed. Door number five, the one she couldn't get open, was now, glitching ? Had Malice fried the circuits? And what's more, was that Malice herself, intrigued by this newly formed scenario, had simmered just enough to open her hands. Could it be that her curiosity had won? Navina was pretty sure it had, as the Warrior made her way over, and peered inside. “You should come and see this!” She called out to them, and Nyx was the first by her side. “Shit!” He let out, and turned away. When Navina got there, looking through the doorway at another short hall, and a stairwell that led down, she found a female, dead for days, laying against the wall. Light colored scrubs, long brown hair... “That's the Doctor!” She let out, following behind Malice on route to the stair well. “Maybe they have some more computers down below?” The Warrior replied, taking the first step down into the darkness. “Or someone I could kill!” Oh, Malice! Always looking for a fight, a battle to be won.... And there are plenty of battles to be found inside Legends, and plenty of secrets to be unlocked! Check out the video below, and then head on over to Amazon and get your pre-order on! Dec 15th is only two days away!!!

DECEMBER 15th, 2016, the Verse changes, for everyone! Legends, by Mark McQuillen and Mara Reitsma, for Pre-Order on Amazon! Available in ebook for now, and in paperback by New Years!

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