#KassidyFightsCancer #IndieAuthorsForKassidy
Hey Guys! So, you've probably all seen the news on my Facebook Page, Mara's Little Bookshelf, and if you haven't.... Wait, what? You haven't been to my page? Come say Hi! https://www.facebook.com/FamilyJewelsCollection/ Anyhow, I have this wicked Indie Author friend, and I mean wicked! Her name is Ashley Uzzell. Ashley is not only an amazing author, but she's also an amazing mother!

She's even got a little writer of her own....

This is Kyra, and she and her Mom, Ashley, wrote Spunky and the Wizard's Chair, which you can find on Amazon right now!

This family is so full of love and adventure, and yet, in October of this year (2016) Kyra's oldest sister, Kassidy, fell ill. Kassidy was diagnosed with N.H.L (Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) and has spent many of her days since, in hospital.

But Kassidy isn't about to let something like Cancer, ruin her day! She's always got a smile on her face and a positive attitude that could make everyone around her, smile too! Kassidy isn't taking this lying down, she's a fighter, and we want to let her know, that she and her family, are NOT FIGHTING ALONE! Hospital bills, and the costs of traveling there and back again... it's a lot to process, and a lot of added stress that the family doesn't need at a time like this. So, Author Markie Jordan-Madden has set up a Go FundMe page, in hopes of alleviating some of the strain. You can help out buy visiting the link below. https://www.gofundme.com/kassidy-uzzell-fights-cancer Ashley has her own website, where she makes amazing jewelry by hand! Visit her website, and all sales go towards Kassidy's fight! Below is her Facebook Page and her actual website! - https://www.facebook.com/GroovyGoodiesandMore - http://ashleymuzzell.wixsite.com/groovygoodies And any royalties from sales of Ashley's new book, Where’s My Kitty? go towards Kassidy's Fight! It is only $1 and can be found on Amazon here - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N01OQYR/ Markie Jordan-Madden and Metmorph Publishing have an event you can all attend for Kassidy, coming up in March 2017! Come check it out, as there are other ways you could help out as well. Have a book to donate? Or a service the family could use? Just talk to Markie, and she'll help you out! https://www.facebook.com/events/357186897950617/
Now, I'm an Indie Author, and proud of it, and I couldn't let it stop there, and I made a video for Ashley, to help get the word out there!
So, share away, and let the world know about Kassidy and her fight! You can even let her see your support, by sending pics or messages to her, just tag them with #KassidyFightsCancer and #IndieAuthorsForKassidy and Ashley will make sure she sees them!