Take a look at Rites of Heirdron!
You want Sci-Fi? Rites of Heirdron! You want Romance? Rites of Heirdron! You want steamy scenes and an incredible storyline.... Then you want to read Rites of Heirdron!!! They murdered his people, violated his mother, and poisoned his planet. As the most powerful men in the galaxy conspire against him, Zrahnz struggles to survive. With Q1-Raydren at his side, the betrayals and secrets of the past are revealed. He was denied his rule and the one truth that would release the confined energy of the Xryntahn that would save his life. He wasn’t supposed to survive, he wasn’t supposed to fight, and he wasn’t supposed to receive the Rites of Heirdron.

Newland Moon and Rites of Heirdron are up for nomination through Kindle Scout! There are 25 days left for voting, and if she wins this contract, those who voted along the way will find themselves reading her story, sooner... rather than later!!!! So head on over to the link below, and cast your nomination for Rites of Heirdron, and help an author out!!!! https://goo.gl/zDRxxf